Zoo and Wildlife Research
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zoo and wildlife research
Anton Baotic is a passionate biologist and wildlife researcher. By combining zoo and field research he addresses the issue of animal vocal communication in a variety of mammal species.
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13 April, 2021
“Research is formalized curiosity, it is poking and prying with a purpose.”
Zora Neale Hurston
"When research walks on the field, judgment does not walk off.”
Dick Kampe
“Those who refuse to change will ultimately lose what they seek to preserve.”
Gustav Heinemann
hi, I'm ANTON
I’m a biologist and animal researcher, and spent the last twelve years successfully managing and leading international zoo and wildlife research. My core areas of expertise are bioacoustics, animal behavior, and animal cognition. My research interests primarily focus on vocal production mechanisms and acoustic communication in mammals, with an emphasis on determining the information content and biological importance of vocalizations.